One of the writers brought up the safety of the racers, families or any non-paying member to cross the finish line. That a triathlon is, in fact, a race and if you haven't paid, get off the course.
The other writer suggested that races have two finishing chutes, one for the "racers" and the other for racers with family members. The "A-Hole" was the chute for the type A person who is so anal retentive they could make diamond from squeezing coal in their butts. This person feels the race is about them and their time. A secondary chute would be added for family members and less "serious" racers called the "B-Hole".
As I read the article, I found my self laughing at the names of the holes and how perfect it was for a lot of athletes. The "A-Hole". How fitting?! We all know who they are and what they are about. But I was curious as to which chute I would run down in my very own race.
Let me go back a little. My first half ironman race was in the rain. It was cold and just a dreary day. I remembering seeing Tammy and Jordan throughout the run and was hoping to have Jordan run across the finish line with me. After waiting for just over 5 hours, I was on my way down the shoot to the finish line. I found Jordan and Tammy handed her off to me. As we crossed the line, another athlete sprinted in front of us and cut us off. No picture, no time to enjoy the moment with my 3 year old who had waited for 5 hours to run with her dad.
Now, I thought I had a reason to be upset and posted my thoughts on a two triathlon forums. I was curious to see if I was wrong or just too sensitive. The "Trinewbies Forum" absolutely slaughtered me. How dare I ruin a race for others by running with my daughter? She did not pay and was a safety concern. She, in fact, ruined the OTHER persons race by being out there. I was shocked and angry at these "A-Hole" type people.
When I signed up for IMLP, in their infinite wisdom, WTC had now banned any family members or non paying racers to be on the course and at the finish line. They brought up safety and ability to monitor all of the action. I understand their concerns but really don't agree with it. What better memory than crossing one of the toughest endurance event with your family?
As much as an individual sport triathlon is, family and friends do play a huge roles. They spend hours waiting around for us while we train and race. On race day, depending on the weather and activities, they could be waiting for hours. At Lake Placid, my family waited for 10:47:59, in the rain, to see me finish the race. And with the new WTC rules, they were not allowed to run across the finish line with me.
I feel that sprints and international distance races should follow the WTC rules. Most of them are really fast and people are flying all over the place. But, how many times do you see an all out sprint or a race to the finish at a 140.6 or 70.3 race? Of course, there will be some sprinting but the majority will just be happy to see the finish line. So, do we need another chute?
At Timberman this year, I was really happy to run across the line with Jordan. I had a tough day but she was the boost I needed that last 100 yards. She understood what we were both doing and she was proud to be running with her dad. Look at the picture. What you can't see is both of us smiling!
Maybe some RD's or the WTC doesn't beleive in "allowing" families to join in the triumphant finish of a race we've worked hard to complete. Now that the Timberman has become a member of the WTC, I am hopeful they will still allow family members to cross the line with their race participant. If not, we need to figure out a way to make it happen.
So, is the "A-Hole"? What do you think?
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