Saturday, April 4, 2009

We're Back! Now Move Over

Finally, Spring is creeping its way back into New Hampshire. Although the days of "warm" weather have been limited thus far, I am about to vent on something that has been bothering me for years.

This past week or so, I had the opportunity to get out on the road. For the first time in months, I was able to get out and get a few runs in as well as a couple of bike rides. I have not forgotten how to run or ride on the roads, but for some reason, people have no idea how to drive with us being out there.

Let me explain. When winter comes, it takes weeks for some people to remember how to drive in the snow. They drive too slow or too fast or basically like crap. During the Spring, this happens again, except they are driving a vehicle at US!!

We work hard to see you. Trust me, we SEE you. But are you looking for us? Do you see us? I have almost been hit by someone who only looked one way at a stop sign. I try to wear reflectve gear when needed. I even have a Road ID, just in case. What are doing to prepare for us?

How many times have you been on a run, facing traffic, and someone runs you off the road. Or some jackass group of kids joking swerve at you? Or an old lady rides the white line because she can barely see over the steering wheel? All of these have happened to me.

Even better, what about the clown who beeps at you when you are riding your bike. Or the car that grazes your elbow with their side view mirror? I've been yelled at by motorcyclists for our group not riding in a single line. Hey jerk off, get off the yellow line and then we'll talk.

Now, when I run, I do my best to "accommodate" the oncoming traffic. I move over as much as I can and will even run in the dirt to avoid getting hit. With the awful pavement and narrow shoulders, it can be downright scary when traffic approaches. I try to pick roads that are less traveled but this can not always happen. Sidewalks are rare and I hate to use them because of the continuous ups and downs they have.

On my bike, I have taken a more aggressive approach. I stay close to the white line but I am not afraid to be more to the left of it. Again, roads in this area are dangerous. However, I feel by being more offensive, I am hoping drivers will be a little more defensive. They can slow down a bit and go around, right? The wife hates the way I ride.

Each time I go out on the road, I hope to have a safe journey. I don't think people are trying to hit us, but they still can learn to be a little more polite and share some of the road. I do get a kick out of the "cool" drivers who feel the need to gun it around us, like we are making them late for something.

So, WE ARE OUT THERE. No one wants to be a hood ornament. So, please look for us. We are the ones in spandex, ugly jerseys, sunglasses, short shorts and a smile on our face.

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