Thursday, May 14, 2009

You Know You're a Triathlete When...

I got this from a friend and thought it was funny, and true. I added a couple of mine, too:

You Know You're a Triathlete When...
  • "working from home" includes an hour long trainer ride, buttoned up with some Core exercises
  • you plan "Family Vacations" around destination triathlons to Florida, Bermuda or California
  • you've taken 3 showers in one day
  • you add 2-3 miles onto a 5k road race just to consider it a training run
  • you consider "expensive jewelry" your new Garmin Heart Rate Monitor
  • your most cherished suit is your wetsuit
  • you always, always, have a bottle of water with you when driving or while at work
  • your training workouts are dictated by your available time versus the amount of time you can actually swim, bike or run
  • you've filled up your water bottle during a long training run....with a garden hose from an unsuspecting residence
  • your significant other calls your bike shorts...your "diaper shorts"
  • you'd rather go for a 2 hour bike ride than rake leaves in the fall
  • you're at a BBQ and you explain for the 4th time what triathlon is and how it's different from "The Marathon"
  • you've spent more money on your triathlon gear than your day-to-day wardrobe
  • you don't know what to do with yourself on a "rest day"
  • you ride your bike to a running race so you can get your "brick" in
  • you know where every porta potty is along each one of your running routes
  • you think that powerbars, gels and gatorade are part of the four food groups
  • your bike, wetsuit and sneakers cost more than your vehicle you are currently driving
  • you have speedlaces in all of your shoes, including dress shoes

If you can think of more, please feel free to add them to the list!


Jennifer said...

How about, You show up to work at 7am in your dress clothes and tie, with goggle marks on your face? ;)

David Levesque said...

I would agree 100%. Happens to me at least 2x per week.